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Installing CCGX functionality on a raspberry pi

(in progress, everybody reading this page, feel free too add and improve)


1. Install daemontools

Daemontools is a set of tools to run services: it runs an executable, and when it fails it will start it again. To see some commonly used commands, like starting and stopping a service, or seeing status of all services, check the CCGX command-line introduction.

To install daemontools follows the instructions on its install page, with one addition: right before running /package install, there is one change that is necessary to make it compile:

open conf-cc in ./src, and add the following parameter to the gcc call:

-include /usr/include/errno.h     

Daemontools will now be running, to make sure check the processlist:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ps ax | grep svscan
 2171 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh /command/svscanboot
 2173 ?        S      0:00 svscan /service
 2260 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto svscan

But is not doing anything yet, as there are no services setup in /service yet.



open_source/ccgx/installing_ccgx_func_on_raspberry_pi.1424992785.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-02-27 00:19 by mvader

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