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Updating VE.Bus firmware, using VEFlash

Warning: not for end-users

Important! Do not underestimate the complexity of updating firmware on a VE.Bus product (Inverters, Multis and Quattros). This document is intended for dealers and other Victron-trained installers and support-engineers.

After the firmware update, all settings will be lost, including Assistants and parallel or three-phase configuration. Reconfiguring a complex VE.Bus system needs training and experience. There is no direct support to end-users for this. In case you are an end-user, contact a trained installer or dealer instead.


  • To update a VE.bus product you need VEFlash.exe. It comes with the VE Configure Tools, available for download on our software page.
  • New firmware files are available from Victron Professional.
  • To select the right file, look at the firmware version which is in your product now. Look for a seven digit number, for example 2654153. It is printed on a sticker on the control board. The first four digits indicate the model, and need to be the same.
  • There are different firmware types available, read our PDF VE.Bus firmware versions explained carefully to select the best firmware for your system. For recent products, use the latest 400 version.
  • Always use the latest version of VEFlash. It will automatically check online for updates on startup
  • When updating parallel or three-phase installation, update each unit separately
  • After updating firmware, all settings will be reset to factory defaults. The unit will be reset to stand alone mode and any Assistant settings will be removed.

Instruction video explaining how to update your VE.Bus products:

Step by step instructions

Follow the on screen steps.

Save the Firmware file in an easy to find folder.

Follow these steps carefully.

Once finished and OK is selected the Inverter/Charger will reset itself.

Note that all settings will be reset to defaults. Also that the unit will be reset to stand alone mode and any Assistant settings will be removed.


updating_firmware/updating_ve.bus_products.1494267530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-05-08 20:18 by mvader

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