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CCGX: Updating firmware

1. Using the right procedure

Depending on the installed firmware version, the update procedure differs.

Running firmware version v1.74 or earlier? An upgrade is needed. Follow the upgrade procedure to v2.00.

Already on firmware version 2.00 or later, continue reading on this page.

2. Update procedure when v2.00 is already installed

There are two ways to update the firmware of a CCGX:

  1. Update it via the internet, either manually or let it check for new updates every day
  2. Update it from an microSD-card or USB-stick

2.1 Direct download from the internet

To update from the internet, navigate to: Settings→ Firmware→Online updates.

2.2 microSD-card or USB-stick

Updating with a microSD-card or USB-stick is called 'Offline updating'. Use it when updating a device that is not connected to the internet.

Step 1. Download

Step 2. Install on an sdcard or usb stick

Store the file in the root folder of a USB stick or microSD card.

Step 3. Insert the device into the CCGX

Note that you will see a warning “Not using media for storing logs”. That warning can safely be ignored.

Step 4. Initiate the update

  • Navigate to Settings → Firmware → Offline updates.
  • Press Check for updates
  • If the firmware in the microSD card or USB stick is newer than the running one “Update available” item will appear, press it to start the update process.

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ccgx/firmware_updating.1484779509.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-01-18 23:45 by mvader

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