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DRAFT: function & product not released yet.

1. Introduction

The GX GSM is an accessory for Venus-devices. It is a cellular modem; providing a mobile internet connection for the system.

It requires a SIM card; and connects to the Venus-device with a (supplied) ??m USB cable.

A small indoor GSM antenna is included. As an option we also sell an outdoor GSM antenna. (Add partnumber; and somewhere there must be a picture of it and specs, GX GSM datasheet!?)


Besides internet, the GX GSM also has a GPS receiver. To use that, buy the optional active GSM antenna. (Add part number)


  • Color Control GX
  • Venus GX
  • Octo GX

The GX GSM requires Venus OS v2.20 or newer to be installed on the Venus-device.

When to use a mobile router instead

The GX GSM only provides an internet connection for the Venus-device: there is no option to share the internet to laptops, phones, or other devices.

For installations where more devices need internet, such as a yacht or RV, consider installing a mobile router instead. More information here (link to proper chapter in Ccgx manual).

2. Installation

Mount the device an connect the antenna. Consider using the outdoor antenna when installing the GX GSM in a closed metal enclosure.

Insert the SIM card.

Connect the GX GSM to the Venus device with the supplied USB cable. Use a USB hub in case all USB sockets are already in use.

Connect DC power supply (8 to 70 VDC).

3. Configuration

When using a SIM card with its SIM-pin security disabled, the system will work without further configuration. Verify operation by .. ? (Check VRM Last log data?)

Setting a SIM pin helps reducing the risk of the SIM card being stolen and used. Use a mobile phone to set the SIM pin, and there after configure it on the Venus device.

Some mobile networks require manual configuration of an APN, user name and password. Contact your operator.

4. Trouble shooting

Step Details
1 Power Check that the blue LED is either lit continuous or blinking
2 USB The modem must be connected to USB, and visible in the Settings → GSM modem menu
3 Simcard (feature is still being added to the software)
4 Signal strength 15 or higher (and see below table)
5 Network

Antenna reception interpretation

Even when there is no simcard inserted, you can check signal strength.

0 = -113 dBm or less
1 = -111 dBm
2 = -109 .. -53 dBm
31 = - 51dBm
99 = not known or not detectable

-50 to -75 dBm: high signal
-76 to 90 dBm: medium signal
-91 to -100: low signal
-101 to -120 dBm poor signal

You also need to remember that an outdoor antenna typically increases received signal by 15 dB to 25 dB. (verify)

TODO: replace above by something meaning full, ie indicate the signal strenght to the user in such way that he doesn't need to memorize rssi or other tables.

venus-os/gx-gsm.1534917544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-08-22 07:59 by mvader

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