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Virtual switch - Generator start/stop

This document explains one of the ways to automatically start and stop a generator. See here for the other options.

More generator information about using a generator in combination with Victron is available here.

1. Wiring

The relay and connector block that needs to be wired to the generator control input is named the Alarm relay; in the various manuals.

1.1 MultiPlus and Quattro models of 3000VA and above

To do the wiring easily; be aware that its detachable: you can pull the block off; do the wiring; and then push it back on.

Note that there are three contacts; left to right: Normally Closed (NC) , Normally Open (NO), Common (COM).

1.2 MultiPlus-II models

The connector is J in the picture. Left to right: NO, NC, COM.

1.3 MultiPlus 500VA to 1600VA models

And, on our Multi 500, 800, 1200 and coming 1600, is contact E; here:

1.4 MultiPlus Compact models

2. Configuration

2.1 enable the feature

Open VEConfigure, navigate to the Virtual Switch, and there select 'dedicated generator control'.

2.2 configure the feature

Note that below are just example values; configure them to the suit the type of batteries and rest of system.

ve.bus/virtual-switch-generator-start-stop.1548547093.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-01-27 00:58 by mvader

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