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system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel-ccgx_control_loop [2015-07-29 17:03] edevriessystem_integration:hub4_grid_parallel-ccgx_control_loop [2019-01-22 10:41] (current) – external edit
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-====== Hub-4 / grid parallel - manual ====== +page has moved [[system_integration:hub4_grid_parallel|here]].
-This manual explains how to use a Multi or Quattro bidirectional inverter/charger, combined with batteries, as a grid parallel energy storage system. It optimizes self-consumptionexcess PV energy sturing daytime is stored in the battery, and used to power the loads at night as well as during the day when there is a shortage of PV power+
-The system is managed by the [[|Color Control GX]] (CCGX), which also provides extensive monitoring, both locally and remotely via our [[|VRM Portal]] and the [[|VRM App]], available for both iOS and Android. 
-=== Features === 
-  * Grid parallel energy storage system that optimizes self consumption. 
-  * Wide range of available inverter/chargers: 800 VA to 10.000 VA in 12, 24 and 48 VDC.   
-  * Both wired and a wireless connection to the meter central distribution box is possible. 
-  * (optional) No-break UPS output 
-  * (optional) phase compensation 
-  * Built-in certified anti-islanding (limited nr. models/countries only, more models later in 2015) 
-  * No restrictions on PV Array size 
-  * No minimum or maximum battery size 
-  * Suitable for many battery types 
-  * Free usage of the [[|VRM Portal]] and the [[|VRM App]] for remote monitoring. 
-{{ :system_integration:hub4_schema-juli2015.jpg?nolink |}} 
-===== 1. Required parts ===== 
-^ Part no.      ^ Description            ^ 
-| PMP, CMP or QUA | Multi or Quattro inverter/charger (see note 1) |  
-| REL200100000  | Wired AC sensor HUB-4 for 1 and 3-phase - Imax 65A | 
-| BPP000300100R | Color Control GX | 
-| ASS03006xxxx  | RJ-45 UTP Cable | 
-| BATxxxxxx     | Batteries, lithium batteries are recommended due to lifetime | 
-^ ENS Anti-islanding options, choose one of below options: ^^ 
-| No external needed | For certain countries, our Multis and Quattros have built-in certified anti-islanding protection. |  
-| RCD000100200 | Anti-islanding box 63A single phase - UK (includes the UFR1001E) | 
-| RCD000300200 | Anti-islanding box 63A single and three phase (includes the UFR1001E) |  
-| REL100100000 | Ziehl anti-islanding relay UFD1001E (Many countries) [[|more info]]|  
-| REL100200000 | Ziehl anti-islanding relay SPI1021 (Italy) | 
-| || 
-^ Grid sensor connection option A: wireless connection between the CCGX and the AC sensor ^^ 
-| ASS300400100  | Zigbee to RS485 converter (AC Power adapter and 30cm wire to AC sensor is included) |  
-| ASS300400200  | Zigbee to USB converter (USB cable is included, connects to the CCGX) |  
-| || 
-^ Grid sensor connection option B: wired connection between the CCGX and the AC sensor ^^ 
-| ASS030570018  | RS485 to USB interface 1.8m | 
-| ASS030570050  | RS485 to USB interface 5m | 
-  - The Multi or Quattro used needs to be a recent type with the new microprocessor (26xxxxx or 27xxxxx). All units currently shipping have this new microprocessor. Also, the Multi or Quattro needs to run the latest 3xx firmware. Contact your Victron representative for the firmware files. Update instructions are [[updating_firmware:updating_ve.bus_products|here]]. 
-  - The RS485 to USB interface cable can be extended up to 100 meter 
-===== 2. Battery, inverter/charger and PV dimensioning ===== 
-=== Battery size === 
-TODO: explain requirements and dimensioning considerations for the batteries. Advantage/disadvantage of using a smaller/bigger battery.  
-=== Inverter/charger size === 
-TODO finish this text. 
-Because parallel to the grid and the loads (except for the UPS loads) the inverter size can be taken (much) smaller than the max expected nominal and peak load 
-=== PV Array and inverter size === 
-In a Hub-4 installation, the PV Inverters are connected in parallel to the inverter/charger. Because of this, the size of the PV array and the PV inverter is not limited by the maximum nominal power of the inverter/charger. This is in contrast to other AC-Coupled installations, such as Hub-2, where the [[ac_coupling:start|Factor 1.0 rule]] applies.  
-===== 3. Multi phase installations and phase (optional) phase compensation ===== 
-=== Phase compensation === 
-Phase compensation, common practice in Germany, is used to have a storage hub connected to only one phase, and compensate on that phase for the other two phases. Effectively regulating the total power of all three phases combined. 
-See the following example, where the Hub is connected to L1, and by compensating for phase L2 and L3 as well it regulates the total power at the distribution box to 0 W. 
-^                  ^      L1^     L2^     L3^   Total^ 
-^ Load               100 W|  400 W|  200 W|   700 W| 
-^ Inverter/charger |  -700 W|    0 W|    0 W|  -700 W| 
-^ Distribution box |  -600 W|  400 W|  200 W|     0 W|  
-Enabling or disabling phase compensation is done in the Hub-4 settings on the Color Control GX. See the screenshot further down below in this manual. 
-=== Split- and three-phase installations === 
-It is not yet possible to install an inverter/charger on multiple phases. This will be made possible by a (free) firmware update, expected in 2015 Q4. In such a system, there will be one meter, multiple inverter/chargers, configured into a split- or three-phase group, each loaded with the Hub-4 Assistant. 
-===== 4. Connecting and configuring the AC sensor ===== 
-A Hub-4 setup requires an AC sensor connected in the main distribution panel: between the grid and installation. This AC sensor has been designed for 3 phase measurement, but can be configured for single phase support as well. 
-=== 3-phase setup diagram: === 
-=== single phase setup diagram: === 
-Note the jumper between terminals 1 and 4. 
-=== Meter configuration === 
-Change the front selector of the AC sensor so it is not in locked state. This will allow the CCGX to automatically configure the meter. The front selector is located next to the display as indicated in the image below. 
-=== Option A: Wireless connection to CCGX === 
-1. Connect the Zigbee to USB converter to the CCGX using the supplied USB cable. A few seconds after connecting, the active LED should be on and the TX/RX LED should be blinking (the converter takes its power from the CCGX, so the CCGX needs to be switched on as well). 
-2. Connect the Zigbee to RS485 converter to the EM24 energy meter: 
-^ Converter ^ Grid meter ^ 
-| GND       | Terminal 43 | 
-| A         | Terminal 42 | 
-| B         | Terminal 41 | 
-3. Make sure only one Zigbee device is powered up right now: the Zigbee to USB converter connected to the CCGX. Power down all others. //If you don't do this, the Zigbee to RS485 converter may be connected permanently to another Zigbee device.// 
-4. Connect the 12V DC power supply to the Zigbee to RS485 converter. When the power is switched on, check the LED’s again. 
-=== Option B: Wired connection to CCGX === 
-Connect the meter to the CCGX using the USB to RS485 converter cable: 
-^ RS485 Converter ^ Grid meter ^ 
-| Yellow    | Terminal 41 | 
-| Orange    | Terminal 42 | 
-| Black     | Terminal 43 | 
-===== 5. Multi/Quattro installation and configuration ===== 
-First, follow instructions as per the standard installation manual. AC Input 1 is connected to the distribution panel of the installation. And, optionally, AC Output 1 can be used as a UPS output, to power its loads during a grid failure. 
-Then use VEConfigure3 to [[assistants:how_to_add_and_configure_an_assistant|load the assistant]] //self consumption Hub-4// into the device. 
-If you have a Multi Compact, check the dipswitches: dipswitch 1 must be on, and dipswitch 2 must be off. 
-If you used an earlier (beta) version of the assistant, make sure to remove it from the //private assistant directory// in VE configure, or disable the directory. You can set the private directory in the //Assistant Tools// tab within //Assistants// tab. 
-==== Battery charging and discharging behaviour ==== 
-//(Note: All absolute voltages mentioned in the text below are for a 12V system and should be multiplied by 2 or 4 for a 24V or 48V system.)// 
-  * When ordered to discharge, the Multi will continue to discharge the battery until it has reached the **DC input low shut-down** parameter, configured on the Inverter tab of VEConfigure. Note that the minimum feed-in working voltage is 10.2V, so when **DC input low shut-down** is set below 10.2V, 10.2V will be used instead. 
-  * Besides looking at voltage, it is also possible to configure the Multi to discharging when the low SOC threshold is met. Usage of this threshold is optional, and configuration is done in the Hub4 assistant settings. 
-  * The charge process will follow the standard charge profile, as configured on the Charger tab in VEConfigure3. 
-  * The charge algorithm will be reset to bulk every time the battery voltage drops below the reset voltage. For lithium batteries (checkbox on the charger tab) this voltage is Float - 0.2V, with a minimum of 13.5V. For other batteries, the reset voltage is Float - 1.3V with a minimum of 12.9V. The delay depends on the difference between the battery voltage and the reset voltage. The bigger the difference the smaller the delay. Approximately 60 s for 0.1V difference and 3 seconds for 2V difference. 
-  * The assistant will disable PowerAssist. Please keep this option disabled. 
-  * Please keep the lithium batteries checkbox on the charger page consistent with the battery choice in the assistant. 
-TODO: add explanation about sustain and how that interferes with above regulation. 
-===== 6. Color Control GX configuration ===== 
-  - Power up the system.  
-  - After a few seconds, the display should come to life. If not, check the wiring of the system.  
-  - Within 60 seconds after power up, the CCGX will detect the meter. The meter will show up in the device list on the display. When selected, the CCGX will show a page with current measurements. 
-  - Select //Settings// from the device list and select //Wired AC Sensors//. This will show the list of known AC sensors. In this case there will be a single entry.\\ {{system_integration:ccgx_cgwacs_sensor_list.png}} 
-  - Select the entry. A new page will show up with the settings of the AC sensor.\\ {{system_integration:ccgx_cgwacs_settings.png}} 
-  - Make sure //Role// is set to //Grid meter//, and //Phase Type// matches your setup (ie. single or multi phase). 
-  - For further configuration, see the [[ccgx:start|Color Control GX manual]]. 
-Note that the following features are not yet available and will be added to the Color Control GX soon: 
-  - Add a pages overview for Hub-4. It will look like this:\\ {{system_integration:ccgx_hub4_pages.png}} 
-  - Add support for a Hub-4 schematic in the iOS and Android app 
-===== 7. Measuring PV inverter power (optional) ===== 
-Separately measuring PV inverter power is recommended to provide the user with a total overview of both actual current power balance and energy distribution. Note that these measurements are only used for displaying purposes, they is not used nor necessary for the Hub-4 algorithms to operate. 
-TODO: move below section to a seperate page somewhere in the CCGX manual. And make a new page that explains all methods we have to show PV Inverter output on a CCGX. And then link to that page here. The options are 
-  - Use the AC Sensor (lowest cost, least accurate) 
-  - Use a Fronius PV Inverter and [[ccgx:ccgx_fronius|connect it to a Color Control GX]] via Ethernet  
-  - Use the Wired HUB-4 Sensor and configure it as a PV Inverter meter instead of a Grid meter 
-  - Use our wireless AC sensors 
-===== 8. Using the Wired HUB-4 AC Sensor to measure PV Inverter output ====== 
-The CCGX also supports an AC sensor between the PV inverter and the setup. Installation is similar to the AC sensor on the grid. This time, terminals 1, 4 and 7 should face the PV inverter. On the CCGX change the //Role// of the meter to //PV inverter//. You can now also chose its //Position//. In case of a Hub4 setup, this must be //Input 1//. 
-There are 3 options to connect the extra AC sensor: 
-    - Wired connection with an extra RS485 to USB converter cable. Works just like the grid meter. 
-    - Wired connection with modbus multidrop (both AC sensors connected to the same RS485 to USB converter cable). In this case you need to change the modbus address of one of the AC sensors (see below). 
-    - Wireless connection: the AC sensor is connected to an additional Zigbee to RS485 converter just like the grid meter. Also requires change of the modbus address. 
-Changing the modbus address: 
-    - Press the joystick down until until the display shows 'Pass'. The joystick on the right side on the diplay, above the front selector). 
-    - Press the joystick down again and release immediately. 
-    - Press the joystick right several times until 'Address' appears. Press the joystick down. Now you can adjust the address by pressing the joystick up and down. Set it to 2. 
-    - Press down again. 'Baudrate' appears.  
-    - Press down again twice. 'Address' appears again. 
-    - Press right until 'End' appears 
-    - Press down. The display now shows measurements again. 
-Note that if you own a Fronius PV inverter with a data manager card, the CCGX can read out the inverter directly, so you do not need to install an AC sensor on the inverter output. [[ccgx:ccgx_fronius|This page]] explains how to connect one or more Fronius PV inverters to the CCGX. 
-===== DISQUS ===== 
system_integration/hub4_grid_parallel-ccgx_control_loop.1438182208.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-07-29 17:03 by edevries

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