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Error codes

In spite of our painstaking efforts, sometimes errors occur. In the following list, you can check possible errors and descriptions.

VE.Direct products

Error Description
D3 No VE.Direct product(s) found.
D4 Unknown error occurred. Try again and check the product settings once updated.
D10 Error closing com port.
D20 Could not start updating, no updatable product found.
D26 Updating failed, communication lost. The product might be unusable. Check connection and power supply.
Try again and check the product settings once updated.
D29 Could not start updating, the firmware file is corrupt.
D31 Updating failed, product is unusable. Try again and check the product settings once updated.
D32 Could not start updating, entering boot mode failed.
D33 Could not start updating, the firmware file is not found.
D90 Could not start updating, firmware is not for this product.
D91 Could not start updating, unknown product found.
D92 Updating failed, erasing firmware failed. The product might be unusable. Try again and check the product settings once updated.
D93 Error starting firmware after updating. Power cycle (off/on) your product and if that does not help
try updating again, and check the product settings once updated.
D94 Could not start updating, error reading configuration.
D95 Product updated successfully, but an error occurred restoring the settings. Check the product settings.
D96 Updating failed due to version mis-match. Power cycle (off/on) your product and if that does not help try
updating again, and check the product settings once updated.
D97 Dup executable too old.
D98 Firmware file is not a valid dup file.
D99 Product updated successfully, but an error occurred restoring the settings. Check the product settings.
D100 Cannot migrate settings because the application is not active. Manual action required.

Blue Smart Charger, SmartLithium, and VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart dongle

Error Description
B1 Error reading file.
B2 Victron BLE service not found. Please remove the product from the list of paired devices and retry.
B3 Dfu BLE service not found. Please remove the product from the list of paired devices and retry.
B4 The product disconnected unexpectedly. Perhaps the bond information is no longer valid? Please remove
the product from the list of paired devices and retry.
B5 A write to the device failed.
B6 The product did not activate its bootloader - although it should have.
B7 The product did not disconnect - although it should.
B8 Timeout waiting for access to the Victron BLE service.
B9 Timeout waiting for access to the Dfu BLE service.
B10 Timeout waiting for a response.
B11 Timeout while writing to the product. Perhaps a pairing dialog is shown? Please retry.
B96 An internal error occurred (Opcode not supported). Please send a service report to Victron Energy.
B97 The requested encryption is not supported by the product. Please send a service report to Victron Energy.
B98 An internal error occurred (Data size exceeds limits). Please send a service report to Victron Energy.
B99 The product could not store the firmware in its memory. Please retry, and if the problem persists, please contact Victron Energy.
B100 An internal error occurred (CRC error). Please send a service report to Victron Energy.
B101 An internal error occurred (Data length error). Please send a service report to Victron Energy.
B102 An internal error occurred (Not allowed). Please send a service report to Victron Energy.

XUP - files

Error Description
X1 Successful
X2 Generic Failure. Please try again.
X3 Invalid updater state. Please try again.
X4 Firmware not for Product (Id). Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X6 Communication Error. No Callback handler connected. Please check the connection and try again.
X7 Communication Error. Vreg ack-ed with unexpected error. Please check the connection and try again.
X8 Update (xup) file format not supported. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X9 File Error. No Instance Blob could be found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X10 File Error. Invalid instance Blob attribute. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X11 File Error. Instance Blob defined more than once. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X12 File Error. No Firmware Version for instance found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X13 Communication Error. Unexpected Vreg Ack received. Please check the connection and try again.
X14 Communication Error. Instance could not be reached. Please check the connection and try again.
X15 Fail on Minimum Firmware Version check. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X16 Failed to Begin Update. Please check the connection and try again.
X17 File Error. No/invalid Firmware data found for instance in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X18 Update Error. Invalid ack on non-final Update Data. Please check the connection and try again.
X19 Update Error. Invalid sequence# in Update Data Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X20 Update Error. Invalid instance# in Update Data Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X21 Update Error. Invalid ack on final Update Data. Please check the connection and try again.
X22 Verification Error. Invalid Firmware Version Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X23 Verification Error. Invalid UDF Version Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X24 Verification Error. Invalid instance field in Minimum Firmware Version Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X25 Verification Error. Invalid instance field in Firmware Version Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X26 Verification Error. Invalid instance field in UDF Version Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X27 Failed to verify Minimum Firmware Version. Please check the connection and try again.
X28 Failed to verify Firmware Version. Please check the connection and try again.
X29 Failed to verify UDF Version. Please check the connection and try again.
X30 Failed on Minimum Firmware Version verification. Please check the connection and try again.
X31 Failed on Firmware Version verification. Please check the connection and try again.
X32 Still in Bootloader Mode after update. Please try again.
X33 File Error. No Product Id found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X34 File Error. No VE.Direct baudrates found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X35 File Error. No Xup Format Version found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X36 File Error. No Minimum Updater Version found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X37 File Error. No Firmware (product) Version found in update file. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X38 File Error. Update file does not match XML standard. Please make sure you selected a valid update file and try again.
X39 Communication Error. Vreg Ack timeout. Please check the connection and try again.
X40 Communication Error. No product found. Please check the connection and try again.
X41 Communication Error. Comm port error. Please check the connection and try again.
X42 Update Error. Failed to set baudrate. Please check the connection and try again.
X43 Update Error. Update in progress on another interface.
X44 Update Error. Invalid instance# in Ack. Please check the connection and try again.
X45 Update Error. Vreg Ack error: Invalid instance. Please check the connection and try again.
X46 Update Error. Vreg Ack error. Please check the connection and try again.
drafts/updater-error-codes.1568028198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-09-09 13:23 by evandromr

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