Table of Contents

Victron Manual of Style (MoS)

The Victron Manual of Style (MoS), is a set of evolving and aspirational standards for the writing and design of documents. Victron's MoS is relevant to all documents that we produce, be they in digital, paper or web format.


Start a document with the full name of the acronym and then the acronym in brackets. Use just the acronym after that. Example: Battery Management System (BMS) and thereafter use just BMS.


Use British English, as opposed to USA English.


The following example shows the decimal mark and the thousands separator usage for both currency and non-currency numbers.




A basic guide to punctuation:

Product Acronyms


List of words that are often written incorrectly

GX Product Classifications

Products that have the GX suffix are a GX device, or contain a GX device.

Products that have a GX prefix are accessories for a GX device.

Generally, public/external use of the terms 'Venus' & 'Venus device' is now depreciated, and should be replaced with 'GX device' instead.

Specific internal/technical use of 'Venus OS' to refer to the open source operating system software development that runs on the GX devices is still correct.


If in doubt The Economist has one of the best style guides I know of: also available in EBook

Type Faces Used


Use the International System of Units. for more info see Wikipedia.

There should not be a space between the value and the unit. Example 12V.

When using a symbol as prefix, like m for milli, K for kilo or M for mega, these are written either capitalized or are lowercase. The symbols for mega and above are capitals, while kilo and below are lowercase. Example 12MW, 5kVA and 10mA.

Victron Energy departments - names and definitions

Service Department - Sometimes referred to as “Repairs Department” but the correct name is Service Department.

Repair Centre (previously called Service Partner) - These are external companies (customers) who perform product repairs on behalf of the Victron Energy Service Department.