Field test: PV Modules

A real world comparison between Mono, Poly, PERC and Dual PV Modules.

Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Total solar yield: --
Installation date: 09-03-2020

* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.

Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh


Energy to take you to the horizon and beyond.

Whether you’re going on a short fishing trip or planning to sail across the ocean, you’ll need reliable power to enjoy your adventure to the fullest. But at Victron we believe reliability isn’t enough. We believe in Optimal Energy instead. In our view, a boat needs an intelligent power grid that adapts to any challenges you may encounter. With unparalleled reliability, without effort and at great value for money. That’s what we call Optimal Energy.

Optimal Energy for all

At Victron you’ll find a full range of state of the art products that can meet any demand. Each of them can be fine-tuned to your specific needs. The possibilities are limitless, but here are a few examples to start with:

Typical marine issues

And how we solve them

Being ocean going sailors ourselves we know marine power inside out. Over the past 45 years we have been closely working with our clients to create even better Marine solutions.


Limited shore power,
maximum comfort

After a long day of sailing you may want to turn on the heater. Flick on the coffeemaker. Use the microwave. Before you know it, the shore power fuse is blown. PowerAssist prevents overloads, using the battery as a buffer during peak power demand. And you won’t even notice.


Bad power,
smooth performance

In crowded harbours, you might run into strong voltage drops in shore power. Some generators have trouble producing a decent AC current. The Victron inverter/chargers enjoy a reputation of extreme resilience. They smooth out these problems, turning bad power into perfect power.


More energy,
smaller generator

Fuel can be a big part of your budget. The Victron products optimize generator use and minimize its running time. Often, you can even opt for a smaller generator. This means you save on installation, maintenance and fuel costs.


Suboptimal sun,
optimal solar panel yield

Solar panels in a marine environment come with specific challenges: there’s only limited space and shadows from the rigging. Their performance changes constantly. Victron’s solar controllers use ultra fast maximum power point tracking to squeeze every drop of power out of your panels.


Not always there,
always perfect control

Whether you’re on board or back at home, you’ll always have perfect control over our connected smart products. You instantly see what the power situation is. And you can even troubleshoot alerts from home.

Our electrical systems enable us to stay off-grid for extended periods of time, whilst living comfortably and working remotely aboard our floating home.

The waterproof battery chargers and DC/DC converters make competition fishing truly worry free.

When circumnavigating the globe, it’s crucial to have renewable, reliable power on-board.

Stødig’s crew
Leandri Language
Jon Sanders
Founders of the Arctic Lifeboat Initiative
Competitor bass fishing - Fishing league Worldwide
Circumnavigated the globe 10 times, founder No plastic oceans initiative
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Dive into the world of marine energy

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Our well established global network of local Victron Professionals is dedicated to help find an optimal solution for your challenge.

Count on our worldwide service

At Victron we find it essential that customers are serviced and supported quickly and competently. This is why our global network of Victron Professionals pack the highest level of technical know-how and are committed to deliver repairs as fast as possible.

So you can start or continue your journey, wherever you’re headed.